GGBR was formally started in 2005, when we became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Many of you have known the rescue since it was part of the Northern California Basset Hound Club, where Gloria was involved in its rescue arm for around ten years. Now we are a separate organization, we need to generate our own funding and a vital part of that is to build a membership base.
Our membership year now runs year round. You can join anytime. We do hope you will all decide to become members... especially as we now have the option to donate every month.
Those monthly angel levels start at a very modest $10 per month, so you hardly notice the pain! And the lowest level of membership (Pixie, $20 per year) is affordable by almost everyone. Every little helps!
Please read on to see the advantages of membership. Of course, even if you decide not to become members, your support is greatly appreciated, and we know that many of you demonstrate that support in very practical ways throughout the year.
The Benefits of Membership of GGBR 
As I mentioned above, GGBR is a 501c3 non-profit organization, relying totally on its membership dues and fundraising activities to cover the costs of rescuing basset hounds in Northern California. Our membership base is the foundation of our Rescue, and brings in a small, but reliable portion of our funding. Every member level can benefit from:
- newsletters,
- invitations to special 'members only' events, and
- knowledge that you provide a solid base of funding for our organization
To become a member, use the PayPal Subscribe button on this page or the home page.
You can also pay memberships by check. Email me ( and I will send you a form that you can complete and return by mail with your check. Membership Levels/Fees 
Our memberships come at various levels by which to show your support... and rewards for you with the more generous levels.
GGBR Seraphim - $100 per month ($1200 per year, pays for TWO dogs saved!)
GGBR Cherubim - $50 per month ($600 per year, pays for ONE dog saved)
GGBR Archangel - $20 per month ($240 per year, pays for a low cost spay or neuter surgery)
GGBR Guardian Angel - $10 per month ($120 per year, pays for three dogs vaccinated)
GGBR Jr Guardian Angel - $75 per year - pays for three rabies vaccines
GGBR Angel - $50 per year - pays for two rabies vaccines
GGBR Pixie - $20 per year - every little helps!
Choose your level, or pledge a monthly donation of whatever you like and we'll treat you as a member at an 'appropriate' level:
No need to have a PayPal account already. You can choose to pay by credit or debit card through PayPal.
You can also send a check by snail mail to the address below.
GGBR (Membership)
PO Box 4958
CA 94955
Your check should be made payable to "Golden Gate Basset Rescue" or just "GGBR," but please write 'Membership' on the memo line so we know it is intended as a membership, not just a donation.
If you have questions, you can contact me (Addy Dawes) at
All Members Receive…
In addition to the enormous satisfaction of knowing that your dollars literally save the lives of terrific dogs eager to love and be loyal companions to all qualified adopters, GGBR members receive:
- Newsletters with GREAT “success stories” of bassets we’ve been able to save.
- Invitations (and discounted tickets depending on your membership level) to special events
- Howl at the Moon and Whine Fundraising Dinner and Auction (usually in the Fall)
- Our family-friendly picnic event (Spring Fling in Mt Aukum in May)—lots of terrific bassets and their people, who have a blast playing with the dogs and swapping stories. Literally, you can count on meeting “forever friends” through GGBR!
These Members Receive Additional Privileges:
- $1,200/year GGBR Seraphim
($100/month, pays for saving 2 dogs each year)
- Unlimited free tickets for self, family & friends to all member only events
- $250 discount off your adoption donation
- Special recognition in our newsletter and online (you can opt out if you wish)
- “Seraphim” Gold Membership Pin recognizing your level of commitment
($50/month, pays for saving 1 dog each year)
- 6 free tickets to all member only events
- $125 discount off your adoption donation
- Special recognition in our newsletter and online (optional)
- “Cherubim” Silver Membership Pin designating your level of commitment
($20/month, pays for a low-cost spay or neuter)
- 2 Free tickets for all member only events
- Special recognition in our newsletter and online
- “Archangel” Red Membership Pin designating your level of commitment
If you are interested in becoming an active volunteer, there is a volunteer application form on the website! Please check out our volunteer options on this page! Every dog we take in is given an initial vet check, with testing for heartworm and parasites, with rabies, distemper, and parvo vaccinations, and placed on heartworm and flea preventatives. All dogs that need it are spayed or neutered. We treat infections before placing the hound. On average, our vet bills come to at least $800 per dog. You have to wonder just where you could get a basset hound with all the vet care it needs, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, current rabies... and with the support network that we can provide for the rest of that hound's life... for the cost of our adoption donations!
Thank goodness for the occasional healthy, easily placed hound to lighten the burden on the finances and the goodwill of our foster families.
Thank you so much for your continued support that enables us to do this work!!
Also, please browse our gallery at Zazzle and keep buying!! You can design your own cards, put multiple photos on them, or other images you like, or keep the Basset themed ones, or add images to the basset cards. The insides of lots of the cards are blank for you to create your own message. We earn 27% on all purchases as long as you go via our link, so please have a look!
Plus.... if you post items to EBay! Remember to find us in their charitable giving arm, and donate a percentage of your winning bids to us. We have at least two active supporters doing this at the moment!
Finally, keep an eye on our 'events' list so that you can mark your calendars for this year's special events.
Memberships are encouraged and appreciated!
Sincerely, Addy Dawes
Golden Gate Basset Rescue