Olive (Livermore)'s Sponsorship Page
Olive (Livermore)

 At only 7 years old, poor Olive has already outlived two owners and one doggie companion! No one can blame her for being insecure! 

Olive readily uses a doggie door. She is a playful, active little gal who gets along with other dogs and enjoys her walks. Olive does not take well to being left alone and will cry and howl. Her anxiety also sometimes causes her to have accidents in the house. 

Olive is a timid and nervous dog, who is particularly fearful of men. She is good with women, kids and dog-savvy cats. She has chronic allergies for which she has seen a dermatologist and she takes medication and eats a special diet. Olive has recently been diagnosed with a heart murmur, which requires no medication or special treatment at this time, but which should be checked periodically and should be mentioned to her veterinarian, if she ever needs to be anesthetized.

Olive is currently fostering where she is comfortable and content. Changes seem to cause her a lot of stress. GGBR is happy to continue supporting Olive's care in the home where she is happy. If you wish to contribute to Miss Olive's vet bills and medications, you are welcome to become one of her sponsors.


Olive (Livermore)'s Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
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