Buddy (Sacramento)'s Sponsorship Page
Buddy (Sacramento)

This is Buddy, he is a young neutered Basset hound that came to us after quite a few changes in a short time.  3-1/2-year old Buddy came to GGBR after being with his owner only three months. He is a happy basset with a good dispostion who got along well with the other dog in the home as well as with dogs while on walks. He is friendly toward people and loves attention most of the time. After being in his short term home for a while, he developed a pattern of growling when he was laying down. This frightened one of the persons in the home, and thus Buddy needed to be rehomed. The primary owner did not feel the growling was a concerning issue, and found ways to give Buddy space if he did not want to be disturbed.  Buddy is a silly dude, a funny vocal hound. He is a cuddler, but also a busy, active boy!

Buddy would do great with an active family that is dog experienced. Buddy needs an owner who can set boundaries for him; give Buddy an inch and he'll take a mile. Buddy does great with kids, but can sometimes be a little pushy and play rough, so young kids under 8 probably aren't recommended. Buddy is really good with other dogs, loves to play, but gets vocal when he's sleeping and isn't in the mood to play, so he requires a respectful doggie companion. He ignores kitties for the most part.

Buddy is really good on a leash and in the car! He typically sleeps on the big human bed or in a crate. He is crate trained.

Buddy (Sacramento)'s Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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