Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

My name is Maggie, also known as Maggie-Poo, Magpie and Sweet Baby Girl, depending on Mom’s mood. I am a South Fork Kennels survivor and I had glaucoma. Both of my eyes were removed in January, 2012. My new Mom came to meet me at the veterinary hospital on the day I had my stitches removed. I was afraid nobody would want to adopt me, being blind and having no eyes, but guess what?!? A lady in Stockton contacted GGBR specifically ASKING for a blind dog!! Mom says I’m exactly the little girl she was looking for. I have a brother, his name is Mo. He’s half basset and half Aussie. Mom calls him a Bassetralian Shephound. He has short legs and a long body just like me, but his ears stand straight up and he has long, silky hair. He’s a couch potato with a strong herding instinct and he’s the best brother I could ever have wanted. Mo is trying to teach me to play with toys, something I never had a chance to learn when I worked at the puppy mill. I’m really happy in my new home J Lynda Beckler