Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

- We wanted to get another hound because of Scout, our hound. She has been a joy to have in our lives for the past 6+ years. But, Shawn (my husband) and I thought she might be more content to spend time with a playmate when we're not able to be around (or even when we are!). We love everything about basset hounds - the features, the personalities, and their expressive qualities. - We chose rescue because we didn't want to get a puppy and we didn't think it was right to get a new dog from a breeder when there are so many dogs that need homes in rescue organizations. - I found Bandit along with Churchill on a pet adoption website with a link to GGBR's website. I immediately thought that both of them were adorable. Gloria recommended Bandit after hearing about our lifestyle and Scout's energy level. She is a pretty active girl and we like to go on about five daily walks. So I think Gloria thought Bandit would be a good fit for us since he is younger and more active. - We, including Scout, went to visit Bandit at his foster home with Jennifer Hanson in Roseville. Overall, it went well. Bandit was friendly, well behaved, and so cute that we knew we wanted to adopt him. He was very friendly towards Scout - the usual sniffing and circling happened. And Bandit made several attempts to play with her, but she didn't know what to do with him since she had never really played before. After that visit we contacted Gloria to set up the adoption for Sunday, March 9th, 2008, the weekend we were moving from Oakland to Walnut Creek. We knew this was going to be a big weekend and we were worried that we would be overwhelmed, but it turned out just fine. We successfully finished moving in and drove to meet Jennifer's husband to sign papers and pick up Bandit. It went well - Bandit is so easygoing. He said bye and hopped right into our truck. When we got home to Walnut Creek we brought Scout out and they took a walk together. They greeted each other with sniffs and it seemed like they immediately started walking side by side - their own little pack. From then on it has been pretty easy. From the first day Bandit and Scout have had very little trouble getting along. And now, Bandit has taught her how to play, which we are so excited about. Bandit settled in fairly quickly. He walks around like he's been with us forever and is particularly attached to Shawn. He and Scout trade beds on almost a daily basis and there haven't been any fights between the two of them. As I said before, Bandit is very easygoing. He knows his name, he responds when called and can sit on command. He's great on leash and we'd like to teach him some new commands as he's so easy to teach as long as there is food around. Bandit is quite fond of our socks and is extremely quiet and sneaky when he is trying to get something he knows he shouldn't have. We wouldn't trade Bandit for any other dog in the world. Sometimes he makes us groan (like when he wakes us up at 2:30 am to go to the bathroom), he makes us laugh in delight and disbelief (like when he decides to take out pieces of tissue from the bathroom trashcan and drop them in a trail to his bed), but mostly he makes us smile. Sad update - Bandit passed away Christmas 2013 from liver cancer. Condolences to the great family who treated him as a son/grandson and gave him a wonderful almost six years of happiness!