Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

This is a story about JACK and PUMPKIN: (note Jack smiling at Pumpkin in the photo!) After we compromised between me wanting a little lap dog and Art wanting a horse-sized dog, we agreed upon our boy Jack. He was a great addition to our family. We did discover some separation anxiety when we were getting dressed to leave for work. After a few months of debating and looking we came across Pumpkin. She was very interested in Jack. He was more interested in protecting his food bowl and running over to eat hers too. After one initial bark and nip on the snout, Pumpkin stood up for herself and became queen of the couch. Our boy that always snoozed on the couch between us didn't stand a chance. She made herself quite at home. She started to wag her tail more. Although they didn't play together, the fact that Jack was not alone was enough to eliminate his anxiety. We were thrilled! Unfortunately our Jack died in his sleep last month while we were out of town. Pumpkin was very upset. So now Pumpkin gets a little upset when we leave. We are still debating about a pal for her, as she has had a very rough past. Judging by scars and a tattered ear, It looks like she was treated poorly by dogs and or people. As we are her 7th home since her life began 9 years ago, we are being as attentive as possible. We did start taking her to a doggy daycare a couple of days per week. The first day she was so exhausted that she barely made it through dinner before the snoring started! Those droopy ears and sad eyes bring us so much joy.