Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Drax is amazing! He is fitting right into the pack! He's the baby with Peaches being 3 and Tank and Diego being 5. They all have such great energy and keep each other entertained. I think a home with multiple dogs is exactly what he needed! He does not like going to the vet or having his feet touched. We take him to the groomer with the other babies every 4 weeks. He loves the bath. Hates the nail trim! He is very protective of his family, his pack (to include my daughter and his mom and dad). He LOVES affection! Espcecially licking! We joke that we need to get him a licker license! The other babies are super protective of him. When they are all at the groomers and they take them one on one to the bath, the babies cry and whine when Drax is out of their eyesight. He travels extremely well in the car. He is such a good baby! I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be his mom!--Amy S., Carson City, NV 26Jun2024_(adopted 31Dec2023)