Animal Success Stories

We welcome updates on the hounds we have placed... if you have a story to tell, please send it to Sally Mitchell,, with photos if possible, and we'll feature it here.

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Drax is amazing! He is fitting right into the pack! He's the baby with Peaches being 3 and Tank and Diego being 5. They all have such great energy and keep each other entertained. I think a home with multiple dogs is exactly what he needed! He does not like going to the vet or having his feet touched. We take him to the groomer with the other babies every 4 weeks. He loves the bath. Hates the nail trim! He is very protective of his family, his pack (to include my daughter and his mom and dad). He LOVES affection! Espcecially licking! We joke that we need to get him a licker license! The other babies are super protective of him. When they are all at the groomers and they take them one on one to the bath, the babies cry and whine when Drax is out of their eyesight. He travels extremely well in the car. He is such a good baby! I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be his mom!--Amy S., Carson City, NV 26Jun2024_(adopted 31Dec2023)

Daisy Mae (Ukiah)
Daisy Mae (Ukiah)

Poking around on internet last December (2022), I found this "little nugget" as she was described on the GGBR Facebook page. In a little over a year, we had gone from a three-hound household to just one basset and 11-year old Gracie was really missing her siblings. I told Gracie she would be getting a new sister soon and that because Daisy was crate trained, I would need to set up a special bed for her. I hauled a crate up from the basement, cleaned it and furnished it with a nice pad. Gracie looked at me like, "where's mine?" So I set up another one to make her happy! New Years Day, little Daisy arrived. I brought Gracie in from the back porch and introduced her to Daisy and let the two of them roam the house, gave them a couple of the home-baked dog treats and by then, the rain had stopped so the two of them went to the back yard. I swear, this was the easiest introduction I've ever done!! It was as if they had known each other forever. After supper, I took Daisy for her first walk around the block. She saw a cat, lurched on the leash and I came home with a black eye, split lip and a fractured kneecap. Time for me to train myself - use both hands on the leash! My neighbors joke that I look like an escaped convict walking down the street with my hands shackled together!! I'm so happy with little Daisy, as with all of the many GGBR dogs I've had in the past 30 or so years, I've never had a "bad" one!!--L.B., 24Aug2023

Duke (Oroville)

We are so incredibly in love with Duke, he is perfect for our family and such an amazing, good boy. Thank you both for hooking us up with him. Jennifer made two drives down to Vacaville to meet us and did so much to keep this boy happy while fostering. I a™m so grateful for that. Many many thanks, Sharon, Charlie, Julien, Foxy, and Duke

Daisy Mae

One of our friends joked that before we met Daisy Mae, we had a "basset sized hole" in our lives, and it is so true. Daisy Mae has brought so much happiness to our lives, and I hope that we have brought the same to hers. We adopted Daisy at the ripe old age of 11, but no one told her that. She was just as rambunctious as a teenager and we quickly fell in love. Daisy loves to walk, eat, explore, cuddle, and sleep in equal parts. She is just as at home snoozing on the bed as she is taking a wild adventure through the park. She loves belly rubs, ear rubs, and rolling around the bed grunting. She gets along very well with her dog brother and cat brothers and sisters! I'd never met a basset before Daisy and now I am in love with the breed. We write this on the second year of her adoptiversary, and we are so glad that we adopted her!


Louie-Deacon When I was a little puppy, my name was Deacon and I had a nice Mom for the first 10 years of my life. In January, Mom went to the Rainbow Bridge and couldn't come back. I was sent to the Golden Gate Basset Orphanage. I had to see some doctors and they removed a HUGE tumor from my back, removed an eye which was infected, and took away my manhood!! They said, in spite of everything, I was in pretty good shape, so I went to a foster home with a nice lady named Debbie. In June, my new Mom was helping a friend adopt a basset from the orphanage when she saw my picture on the GGBR website. She says it was love at first sight! Debbie drove me to Stockton to meet my new family. I have two new sisters, Maggie and Ellie (both from GGBR) and Mom cooks kosher dog food for all of us!! Not just chicken meatloaf, but apple and cheese biscuits, too, and a special chicken and rice soup just for ME! Mom is trying to put some weight on me. She says my little basset-butt is too skinny. I get to sleep on the big (not big enough) bed with Mom. Mom gave me a new name, too - I am now known as Louie-Deacon. I am a happy little boy now, but, if anyone sees my cojones, I'd like to have them back!!

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